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Green Building Certification

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(619) 693-8510

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Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 4:00

Certify your Project with a Green Brand

So Cal HERS Raters can help you achieve a Certified Green & Sustainable Building through the United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED for Homes Program, or through Build It Green’s GreenPoint Rated Program.

We have over 15 years of experience in both programs with focus primarily on multi-family projects. We can join your team as early as pre-design and assist with establishing the sustainability goals.

Both programs have a unique checklist with pre-requisites and credits. Essentially, as a team, we would review the checklist and select the Green Points that make most sense without majorly impacting budget.

The checklist becomes part of the construction drawings. Working with our team of experienced professionals, we will guide and direct the process which includes plan review, energy modeling, team meetings, and on-site inspections.

After we have successfully verified that the targeted measures have been met, and all documentation is in hand, we work directly with the program certifiers to acquire the official certification.

What are the benefits & advantages to a Green Certified Building?

Green Certified Buildings are more efficient, more durable, more comfortable and healthier to the occupant when compared to a standard code built project. Green buildings are better for the environment and have a reduced carbon footprint; they are more affordable to operate and have less maintenance requirements.

Green features go beyond solar panels and include using reduced formaldehyde products, reduced volatile organic compound (VOC) products, reduced water waste, reduced energy use and overall are better for the environment.

1. Environmental Benefits
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Green buildings are designed to minimize energy consumption and utilize renewable energy sources, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Conservation of resources: They often incorporate water-saving fixtures, efficient irrigation systems, and sustainable materials, thus reducing water consumption and minimizing waste.

  • Preservation of biodiversity: Green buildings can include features like green roofs, which provide habitats for local flora and fauna, contributing to urban biodiversity.
2. Health & Well-being
  • Improved indoor air quality: Green buildings use low-emission materials and advanced ventilation systems, leading to healthier indoor environments by reducing pollutants and allergens.

  • Enhanced occupant comfort: Features such as natural daylighting, optimal thermal comfort, and noise reduction contribute to a more pleasant and productive workspace.

  • Healthier living spaces: Green building standards often prioritize non-toxic materials and strategies to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, benefiting both occupants and the surrounding environment.
3. Financial Advantages
  • Lower operating costs: Energy-efficient systems and sustainable practices can result in significant savings on utility bills over the lifetime of the building.

  • Increased property value: Green certification can enhance the marketability and resale value of a building, as more tenants and buyers seek sustainable properties.

  • Potential incentives and rebates: Many governments and utilities offer financial incentives for green building projects, including tax credits, grants, and preferential financing terms.
4. Long Term Sustainability
  • Resilience to climate change: Green buildings are often designed with climate resilience in mind, incorporating features like stormwater management systems and flood-resistant construction methods.

  • Future-proofing investments: By prioritizing energy efficiency and sustainability, green buildings are better equipped to adapt to evolving environmental regulations and market preferences, reducing the risk of obsolescence.

  • Leadership in innovation: Embracing green building practices demonstrates a commitment to responsible stewardship of resources and can enhance an organization’s reputation as a forward-thinking industry leader.
5. Social Responsibility
  • Community benefits: Green buildings contribute to the overall quality of life in communities by reducing pollution, conserving resources, and promoting healthier lifestyles.

  • Corporate citizenship: Investing in green building projects reflects a company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development goals, which can attract socially conscious investors, employees, and customers.

  • Global impact: By reducing energy consumption and environmental impact, green buildings play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and advancing global sustainability objectives.

Contact Us Today to Discuss your Green Project!

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